Friday, November 9, 2012

So I moved

And I was miserable. I hung in there for 2 months. Then, I decided that enough was enough. I was punishing myself, my poor darling husband, and most of all my children.

So I came home. I donated a ridiculous amount of clothing so my suitcases wouldn't be overweight again. I sold/gave away everything that I had just gotten for my apartment. I flew home and my husband and I surprised everyone.

No one but him knew I was coming home until Thanksgiving. It was the day before my mom's birthday. She screamed lol. It was awesome. The kids were thrilled.

I am happy to be home. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I never understood that until I was alone. In NYC. With no one.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Update

I got my linen closet cleaned out. Not much else done. Made 2 trips to the local Goodwill.

And I got permission to take my dad's suitcase so I don't have to buy a new one.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Finally got in gear

Well, I finally got some stuff done.

I got Con-Ed set up.
I got a quote on renter's insurance.
I got my internet figured out.
I got my books organized and 3 boxes packed. I have one more in the process.
I went through my younger 2 sons clothes and my daughters clothes and got rid of the stuff that was too small or worn out.
I cleaned up my storage area and threw a LOT of stuff out.
And I've started my instructions on how to do laundry for my family.

I suddenly got productive. Now, I'm going to sit on my tushy and relax for a while.

Oh, and I found my knitting needles!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Feeling Better

Well I got some heartburn medicine besides antacids so I actually slept pretty decently last night. Working on the blanket today.

I'm going to send a teenager to get my suitcase out of the storage. Maybe I'll get some stuff ready to go.

I really need to get my books finished.

Yeah, I'm really random today and yet I'm still in my pajamas. At 1:15pm.  So I'm going to get off the computer, get in the shower, and try to actually be productive today.

Also, on my list of things to do before I go to NY... find my box with my knitting needles and such in it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Feeling Like Crap

So, I got nothing done yesterday. Nothing. I'm still feeling like crap. I feel like I need about 12 hours of sleep and some serious heartburn/acid reflux medicine.

Maybe I'll get something done today. My list from yesterday still stands. But my emphasis is on that blanket. I have to get it finished.

I don't think I have full explained the blanket thing. I am trying to make each of my kids a blanket before I go to NYC. I don't think I'm going to get it accomplished but I'm giving it a shot.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Well, yesterday didn't quite go as planned.

Why? Because my brain conveniently forgot that it was Sunday.

SO Con-Ed didn't get called.

The blanket did get worked on some. Not nearly enough.

And I did work on the book situation. If by work on it you mean I started sorting my books. Because I never did that when we moved in here a year ago and it was driving me nuts that I couldn't find what I was looking for.

As for today, blah. Yeah, I did some laundry. But I haven't done anything else of consequence. I read a few pages in Spook by Mary Roach. Fascinating book by the way. I can't wait to have time to track down a copy of her book Stiff.

I go my truck partially cleaned out. But it needs wiped down inside and vacuumed. I am selling my Ford Explorer since I won't need it in NYC and that will be one less bill for us to pay which will be beneficial when it comes down to affording to live in NYC.

Goals for today:

1) Work on blanket.

2) Work on books.

3) Work on making the manual for my husband of how to do things like run the washer and dryer and how to make tacos while I'm gone.

4) And somehow see if I can keep my kids from strangling each other in a complete nuclear meltdown of epic proportions due to being cooped up inside due to the heat and the shortage of electronics to play on. And keep my mother out of my room.

Yes, you read that right. My parents live with us. How else could I go to school with the economy the way it is? I couldn't even afford daycare otherwise.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Moving to NYC

I've moved, well, a lot. In fact, this will be my 24th move in 18 years. There were a lot of really short stays early in our marriage.

But this is the first time that I'm on my own. I got into Columbia University and my husband and I decided that we didn't want to relocate the kids for a 2 year program considering that we just moved them to this house (and school system) a little over a year ago.

So I applied for student housing and it was granted. I'm leaving most of my stuff here with them and only taking the vital items to a 300 square foot efficiency apartment on the Upper West Side.

 And last night, I did the math. I am at 31 days until my flight leaves. After having a mild panic attack and some wicked acid reflux about 3am, I decided it was time to get my act together.

Oh, another thing I didn't mention, I'm attempting to make a blanket for each of my kids before I leave. And I am woefully behind. So, if you are bored and want a good laugh, keep checking back because I intend to blog every day recounting what I got done for the move.

If nothing else, it might show you what NOT to do.

As of right now, I have secured my flight to LaGuardia.
And I have paid the deposit and the first month's rent on the apartment. BTW, apartments in NYC are NOT cheap, just in case you had any delusions about that. I'm paying almost $1200 a month for 300 square feet. I lucked out that Columbia offered me this housing because this is a good deal and it's close to campus and it meant I didn't have to beg anyone to go look at the apartment for me so I wasn't being ripped off.

On the docket for today:
1) Contact Con-Ed about getting electricity set up
2) Go through and pack some books 3) Crochet a blanket!